Rajasthan News

RTU introduce digital online evaluation of answer sheets

by RajasthanDirect
Jun 20, 2013

The tedious process of evaluating piles of answer sheets of engineering students will soon be a thing of past.

From this session, Rajasthan Technical University is introducing digital online evaluation of answer sheets to reduce checking errors and save time. A special software is being designed to cover every aspect involved in conducting an exam. It will be introduced in a phased manner.

Under the current system, answer sheets are sent to evaluation centers, distributed to examiners, followed by checking each and every answer sheet, tabulating and compiling marks and declaring results. The extensive and exhaustive system is vulnerable to mistakes.

In the online system, the answer sheets will be scanned using high resolution scanners and images will be uploaded in the database connected to the server.

“The scanned versions will be sent through mail or can be accessed through accounts on the server at regional evaluating centers. The evaluator will check the digitized answer sheets by comparing it with the answers listed in the database and enter the marks in the system,” said R P Yadav, vice-chancellor of RTU.

This system is used for the first time in the state by any university. Few technical universities can boast of having this system for evaluating answer sheets. The software will compile the marks of all subjects and prepare the report card, drastically reducing the manual labour.

The entire system has been designed with tight firewalls to ensure that 2.5 lakh copies during every semester exam are not tampered with or hacked while producing error free copies.

“The specifications of scanned versions are such that no change can be made in the documents,” said Yadav.

RTU is placing high resolution scanners with a capacity of scanning 40 copies in a minute and storing the data. However, it is not yet decided if these machines will be placed at RTU or at regional centres to further reduce the cost of transport.

The answer sheets will be sent to students’ mail box after declaration of results so that they can evaluate their copies leaving no scope for re-evaluation at the university end.

Yadav said, “This process is cost effective. It will enable us to produce the results much before the usual time.” Recently, RTU has barred 40 examiners from evaluating answer sheets after it found glaring mistakes in the answer sheets. The new move will prevent such incidents from recurring.

How the new system works

Special customized software will store the scanned versions of the answer sheets college wise.

The scanned versions will be transmitted or sent to evaluation centers connected from the main server. The evaluator will check the digitized answer sheets by comparing it with the answers saved in the database.

The software will generate an error message in case any answer remains unchecked or not marked, leaving no scope for errors.

It will compile marks of all subjects and prepare the report card.

The answer sheets will mailed to students for revaluation and assessment.

src: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/Now-online-evaluation-of-answer-sheets-for-RTU-students/articleshow/20672489.cms

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