Rajasthan News

Mahant post tussel continues in Pushkar

by RajasthanDirect
Oct 21, 2013

The controversy over the post of mahant of the only Brahma temple here in Pushkar intensified after a CCTV footage was leaked showing self-proclaimed successor Sompuri stealing money from the dan matra (donation box) of the temple.

The footage showed Sompuri along with another priest taking the donation money from the box and the other priest counting and keeping with them.

Sompuri suffered another setback with the leaked footage in his claim to the mahant’s post. Earlier, a court order banned the mritubhoj (feast after death) of late mahant Laharpuri.

The district administration along with police on Sunday disallowed Sompuri and other sadhus who came to take part in the mritubhoj. The court also issued injunction against five respondents binding them against organizing the occasion.

Thousands of sadhus from Haridwar, Varanasi and other holy cities of the country have already gathered in Pushkar to participate in the function. However, deputy SP of Pushkar said, “We are taking every step to implement the orders of the court.”

Controversy over the post started with the death of temple mahant Laharpuri in August and Sompuri of Shaddarshan Sadhu Samaj and Shiv Jyotishanand of Pushkar Priest Trust were slated be the next successor of Laharpuri of the temple. But both of them would not relent on who should give up to let the other take up the post.

src: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/CCTV-footage-shows-Mahant-post-seeker-stealing-money/articleshow/24451283.cms

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