Rajasthan Cricket Association Claims Right to attend BBCi AGM to be held in chennai on Monday. The permanent Representatice of RCA in BCCI Mehmood Abdi said that oting right is one of the fundamental rights in democracy and it can’t be taken away from any member.
On Satuarday Abdi Subbmited a letter to BCCI regarding the uthorization of RCA representative to attend the BCCI AGM but claimed that Parag Patel, Special Assistant to BCCI Secretary Sanjay Patel, refused to a give a receipt of the communication at BCCI office in Chennai.
Abdi said that BCCI have every right to punish RCA by stopping its grants etc but it cannot take away its right to be a part of the AGM., Abdi said to PTI.
Abdi also said that “The BCCI has suspended us after we chose Lalit Modi as our president and since then they have suspended us and stopped our grants and did not include us in the domestic calendar until the intervention of Rajasthan High Court".
"They can punish us in any way they want but voting is our fundamental right. They need to have two third majorities to do so. The AGM will be a crucial one for Indian cricket and we have the right to be there and vote,” he added.
Src:- http://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/news/238320-rajasthan-cricket-association-claims-right-to-attend-bcci-agm