Rajasthan News

Ten New Teams of JDA form to restart Amanishah Nullah drive

by RajasthanDirect
Nov 07, 2013

Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) now taking strict decisions after being pulled by the high court. In a similar action, JDA now constituted 10 teams on wednesday to gave a restart to the anti-encroachment drive in Amanishah Nullah.

Facing the violent protest of affected house owners, JDA is having a tough job in its hand.

Out of the 91 illegal constructions in the Amanishah Nullah under the JDA jurisdiction, 56 constructions will be demolished completely and 35 partial in the given deadline.

In a similar action, Jaipur Muncipal Corporation (JMC) will also start the drive to remove around 266 illegal constructions from the catchment area of nullah in its periphery. As protests in the JMC periphery are more intense, help of police administration will be taken to carry out drive.

Sources in the department allege, politicians continue to covertly shield the encroachers for votes. The dispute would be a key election issue for the city’s Civil Lines assembly constituency. “Earlier, too, the MLA candidates were supporting the encroachers so that their vote bank is not displaced. Now the protests are expected to be intense as elections are round the corner.”

Also, different width maintained by the JDA and JMC in their peripheries has given encroachers a reason to protest.

The affected house owners in the JDA region alleged that the authority is not following HC’s directions and it is a contempt of court.

Vijay Chaudhary, an affected house owner said, “The state government cannot maintain the width of the nullah as per its suitability. In JDA region, the width of nullah is up to 210ft. However, in the JMC region, the nullah is approximately 106ft wide and flowing water will be determined as a centre line in this area. Uniformity has not been maintained by the state government to maintain their vote bank.”

Chaudhary claimed, “The drive is being carried out as per the MNIT survey report in the JMC region. The report also says from NBC to Maharani farm, the nullah should be 120m wide. If the government is making the nullah 53-53ft wide on either side in the JMC region then why is it widening the nullah more in JDA region?”

Jaipur : After being pulled by the high court, the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) on Wednesday constituted 10 teams to start the drive once again against encroachments in Amanishah Nullah.

Around 91 illegal constructions in the catchment area come under the jurisdiction of JDA. The teams will remove 56 complete and 35 partial constructions in the given deadline.

Similarly, the Jaipur Muncipal Corporation (JMC) will also start the drive to remove around 266 illegal constructions from the catchment area of Nullah in its periphery. As protest in the JMC periphery is more, police administration support will also be taken to carry out drive.

On the contrary, its remains a challenge for civic bodies to carry out drive as affected house owners continue to protest violently.

Sources in the department alleged, politicians continue to shield the encroachments covertly for votes. The dispute would be a key election issue for the city’s Civil Lines assembly constituency. “Earlier also the MLA candidates were supporting the encroachers so that their vote bank is not displaced. Now the protest is expected to be intense with their support as elections are round the corner.”

Also, different width maintained by the JDA and JMC in their peripheries has given reason to encroachers to protest .

The affected house owners in the JDA region alleged that the authority is not following HC’s directions and it is a contempt of court. Vijay Chaudhary, an affected house owner, “The state government cannot maintain the width of the nullah as per its suitability. In JDA region, the width of Nullah is maintained up to 210 feet. However, in the JMC region, the nullah is approximately 106 feet wide and flowing water will be determined as a centre line in this area. Uniformity has not been maintained by the state government to maintain their vote-bank.”

Chaudhary claimed, “The drive is being carried out as per the MNIT survey report in the JMC region. The report also says from NBC to Maharani farm, the nullah should be 120 meter wide. If the government is making the nullah 53 -53 feet wide on either side in the JMC region, why is it widening the nullah more in JDA region”.

src: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/JDA-forms-10-teams-to-restart-nullah-drive/articleshow/25342253.cms?cfmid=14000000

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