Rajasthan News

Drones over crop fields to help farmers

by RajasthanDirect
Feb 19, 2015

A good news for farmers of Gujrat and Rajasthan now an unmanned aerial vehicle flying over their field can help them to survey and mapping of their crop and crop diseases along with assisting insurance companies in settling claims.

Weather forecaster Skymet has already conducted a pilot project in parts of Gujarat to map the groundnut crop along with Agriculture Insurance Company (AIC) of India and will soon be flying across field in the coming summer.

Jatin Singh CEO of Skymat said that “Remote sensing through unmanned aerial vehicles allows non-destructive sampling to observe agronomic indicators every square metre. We did a pilot project last year and will increase its coverage across Rajasthan and Gujarat this year”.

The technology has been in use in the United States and other developed countries to map crop position, control farm subsidies, detect pests, monitor nutritional and water stress on crops, and even spray fertilizer and pesticides on crops.

Skymet, along with the AIC and Gujarat government, used satellite remote sensing technologies and drones across 10 villages in Morbi district of Gujarat last year.

Src:- http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/agriculture/drones-to-help-rajasthan-gujarat-farmers-detect-crop-diseases/articleshow/46293237.cms

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