The Delhi Police is going to have a new advanced training centre where its men will learn the use of long-range firearms. The only problem is that the new range will be in Alwar, Rajasthan, about 60 km from the city’s border. And if that isn’t bizarre enough, the move is really a huge improvement on the existing situation that has Delhi’s policemen perfecting their skills at a range they share with the Haryana Police in Narnaul, 170 km away.
The advanced training centre coming up in Awanpura village in Alwar will be developed on 90 acres of land at an estimated cost of about Rs.25 crore. It will be the Delhi Police’s first long range firing practice centre. The travel time to the new range will be less than half of that taken for Narnaul.
Distance isn’t the only problem with Narnaul. Only one range is allotted to the Delhi Police at a time, and only 15 policemen can train there at a time. Senior Delhi Police officers expect the situation to improve with the new centre. “It takes more than a year to complete training for one batch of men as the Narnual centre also needs space to train their own men,” said one.