Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) team nabbed a patwari accepting bribe of Rs.200 at Hanumangarh district on Thursday. Vinod Gandhi, deputy superintendent (DSP), told that in his complaint, Jagdish Jat resident of Meherwala village told that after mortgaging his 14 bigha agriculture land he intended to apply for agriculture loan on Kisan Credit Card.
For this purpose, copies of documents of his agriculture land were required by bank as collateral security. He requested patwari Thakur Ram to obtain him copies of required documents for which patwari demanded Rs.2500 as graft. Gandhi said, after verification of the complaint of Jagdish Jat, it was found proper. A trap was laid by ACB, and Jagdish was sent to patwari with Rs.2000 currency notes to his house. As soon as patwari Thakur Ram pocketed the graft amount, ACB caught him red handed.
src: Hindustan Times